Cedar Bear Technologies – Liquid Herbal, Minerals, and Vibrationals Manufacturer


Over many decades Cedar Bear®, under the direction of its founder, L. Carl Robinson, MH,TT,CCHt,RH(AHG), a decades-long industry insider and clinical & formulary herbalist, has developed a number of proprietary and trade secret alcohol-free manufacturing & processing technologies for making unprecedented ground-breaking liquid herbal and mineral products, as well as developing our unique and original category defining herbal formula blend recipes, many being firsts in our industry. Having specialized in making totally alcohol-free liquid herbal, liquid minerals, and liquid vibrational products, we pride ourselves on implementing these unique technologies through innovative product development to produce high-quality fluid extracts and personal care products. The following shows those proprietary and trade-secret technologies, with the first two being the most used Cedar Bear® technologies for making our category-defining herbal and mineral supplements. All Cedar Bear® proprietary processing technologies are utilized for both our own Cedar Bear® brand products, and for white label/private label customers through our CB Custom Manufacturing (CBCM) department.

TincTract® process 

First developed over 40 years ago by our founder, L. Carl Robinson, who is an Industry Insider of 40+ years, a clinical & formulary herbalist, and a highly sought-after consulting herbalist and product development specialist of many decades in the white label/private label and custom manufacturing industry. The TincTract® process is Cedar Bear®'s original flagship proprietary processing technology and the first of its kind ever. The TincTract® process was the result of Carl realizing that even though different solvents result in different extractive potentials for different botanical constituents, he was also aware that the methodology (i.e., the 'technology') utilized for extracting botanicals had a considerable influence, as much or even more, on extractive potentials. In other words, the solvent/medium used AND the process technology determine extractive potentials, not just a solvent consideration alone. This led to Carl's development of the totally alcohol-free TincTract® process, an integrative approach that includes solvent utilized and process technology considerations together for determining anticipated extractive potential outcomes. 

The TincTract® process utilizes cutting-edge principles of fluid chemistry science, customized equipment, and standardized manufacturing protocols and is modeled on a metaphoric 4-fold Applied Alchemy model. It is a synchronous serialized multi-step manufacturing process for making totally alcohol-free potent liquid herbal concentrates using glycerin (and purified water) instead of alcohol or any other extractive solvent for that matter. This means TincTract® products are not subject to the denaturing and inert rendering effects that alcohol-made products are subjected to. Yes! Alcohol possesses the intrinsic characteristic of denaturing and rendering inert many constituents in a botanical, whereas glycerin does not.

The TincTract® process is now in its 12th generation iteration of proprietary improvements and enhancements, evidenced by the stronger, more concentrated, potent, and higher quality liquid herbal products than of earlier generational iterations (that started at one teaspoonful per dose, is now 1/4 teaspoon per dose (1/8 teaspoon for children)). This is just one of our innovative proprietary technologies developed by Carl, that is used to ensure the highest quality standards found in a liquid herbal product. The fact is, Carl and Cedar Bear® have been doing potent and concentrated totally alcohol-free liquid herbs and formula-based liquid herbal products in the industry and marketplace longer than anyone else and, therefore, are the most experienced at doing so. 

Pureodine™ process

This unique and cutting edge IP driven manufacturing process for making our totally alcohol-free glycerite of mono-element triiodide of fixed (nascent) iodine was a first-ever in the industry and marketplace. It was developed in 2007 by Carl, as the lead developer and a select in-house team with specialized backgrounds in nuclear energy, theoretical physics, and systems modeling, all relevant to the development of this innovative technology that utilizes a proprietary transformative process. The Pureodine™ process is now in its 8th generation iteration of proprietary enhancements and improvements, making for the most stable and potent mono-element triiodide of fixed iodine available in the industry and marketplace.

Other unique and original proprietary processes

Cedar Bear® also has other original totally alcohol-free proprietary processes developed by Carl for making other unique products and ingredients used in both Cedar Bear®'s own brand of products and in its CBCM department's contract manufacture operation, that includes:

The Citritol™ process for making our unique and original micro-fractionated pico-colloidal poly ionic LTMs (Liquid Trace Minerals), that micro-fractionates a typical 32 oz size product down to 2 oz! It's an industry first!

A proprietary process for making concentrated, ultra-caged, and highly stable (i.e., stays in colloidal suspension) mineral zeolites unique only to Cedar Bear®. It's another industry first!

The BTC™ (Biologically Targeted Coherent™) technology, developed by Carl, is unique and original to Cedar Bear®, for making highly stable 'vibrational energetic blanks' and complex vibrational-dynamized formulae products for agriculture, livestock, humans, pets, and research endeavors. The BTC™ technology was the first 'true' alcohol-free approach to frequency-based dynamized and flower essence-based products in the industry and marketplace. It involves exacting proprietary procedures, protocols, and proprietary custom-built instruments. The stability of our BTC™ made products is unmatched in the industry and marketplace. We've been making alcohol-free vibrational dynamized products longer than anyone else in the industry and are more experienced at doing so.