Celebrating Earth Day with Cedar Bear Natural Herbal Supplements

Today on Earth Day, we remind ourselves to take care of our planet because of all the ways it takes care of us. What better way to celebrate Earth Day than to enjoy the herbal abundance our planet provides? Our online store offers all sorts of liquid herbal supplements, supporting diverse aspects of general well-being.
Digestive Health
Looking for a pick-me-up for your gut? You could purchase various over-the-counter nostrums at the local pharmacy. Or you could explore what Mother Nature and Cedar Bear have to offer. Consider ginger root to boost your appetite. How about lavender to calm a nervous stomach? Cleanse your digestive system gently with black walnut hull, clove bud, gentian and pennyroyal. We offer these remedies as single herb extracts and as ingredients in such liquid herbal supplements as Intestinal Cleanse and Stomach Settle with Ginger.
Boosting Immunity
Our planet grows some incredibly effective immune boosters. Consider such herbal supplements as echinacea root, goldenseal, elderberry and thyme to support immunity. You’ll find these and many other immune-boosting natural supplements as single-herb extracts and as ingredients in such alcohol-free tinctures as Lymphatic Cleanse, Sinus Thyme and Echinacea Super Immune.
Toning the Body
Naturopaths broadly define what it means to “tone” the body. They often count as toning herbs those botanicals that strengthen the cardiovascular system, cleanse the lymphatic system and generally nourish muscles and bones. Within Traditional Chinese Medicine, many considered ginseng root as the quintessential herb for overall well-being. It also supports cardiovascular health by balancing blood sugar and cholesterol levels and improving blood flow. In Ayurvedic application, ashwagandha root is often the first selected as an overall tonic for the body. Traditional American herbalist, on the other hand, swear by burdock root for supporting circulatory health. All these herbs can be found in our online store, as single-herb extracts and in such products as Adrenal Balance, Brain Booster and Ginseng Vitality.
Coping with Stress
Our planet is no less generous with herbs that help us cope with stress. These natural supplements include such well-known adaptogenic herbs as ashwagandha and ginseng, as well as less widely known herbs like holy basil leaf and maca root. Adaptogens help the body “adapt” to temporary stressors that life throws our way. Sometimes, we need some help settling down after crises. Nervines like lavender, passionflower and hops ease residual anxiety and restore restful sleep. You’ll find these remedies as single-herb tinctures and in such compounds as Adrenal Balance.
Celebrate nature’s bounty this Earth Day with our natural herbal supplements to support your overall health and wellbeing!